TV assessment learner response

 1) Type up your feedback in full - WWW & EBI. You do not have to write your mark and grade if you don't want to.

www: mostly secure knowledge of media terminology and some media theories. fairly confident understanding of doctor who and class CSPs

ebi: you are spending too long trying to explain theories, just go directly into the analysis, you will show examiners you know the theories when you reference them. sometimes your answers are too vague , not enough detail.

2) Write a definition for intertextuality to make sure you know this terminology.

intertextuality- when one media text references another media text to engage an audience further. 

3) Write a list of narrative theories that you could have used for question 1.2. How do these relate to Class? You can refer to the extract or any other moment in episode 4 of Class.

Todorovs equilibrium theory, Barthes action and enigma codes, Propps character theory 

4) How do the four aspects of Blumler and Katz's Uses and Gratifications theory apply to Class? Give specific examples from episode 4 of Class.

IDENTITY: April is both a ‘normal teen’ and has strange powers – both aspects are likely to appeal to ateens as she is both easily recognisable and relatable, but also ‘special’.

DIVERSION/ENTERTAINMENT: dramatic sequence, use of slow motion, angled shots to show power relationships at particularly dramatic moments etc.

RELATIONSHIPS: Ram fits into the ‘tall, dark and handsome’ stereotype of the romantic lead. April is also tall, slim and attractive, Good-looking characters are typical in teen dramas and much of the fan base find this appealing.


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